Тема: Нравится ли тебе твой дом? (Do you like your house?) Цель: Познакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме «Дом, квартира». Задачи: - повторить употребление оборотов «there is – there are», познакомить учащихся с новыми словами по теме «Дом, квартира», активизировать лексические единицы в речи учащихся; - развивать навыки беглого и правильного чтения, монологическую и диалогическую речь, фонематический слух, внимание, воображение, память; - воспитывать наблюдательность, интерес к изучению английского языка, самостоятельность, активность учащихся на уроке. Оборудование: карточки с изучаемыми словами, картинки с изображением предметов мебели, комнат, индивидуальные карточки, аудио кассета с записью текста для аудирования, учебник.
Ход урока:
1. Орг. момент. - Stand up. Good morning. = Good morning, good morning, Good morning to you Good morning, good morning, We are glad to see you. - I am glad to see you too. - How are you? = I am fine, thanks. And you? - I am fine too, thank you. Sit down, please. - Let’s begin our lesson. Listen to me and answer my questions. - Who is on duty today? = I am. - What date is it today? = Today is the ... of.... . - What day of the week is it today? = It is ... . - What season is it now? = It is winter. - What is the weather like today? = It is cold and cloudy. - Who is absent today? = .... is/are absent today.
2. Фонетическая зарядка. - Look at the blackboard listen to a shot poem and follow me.
There is a sofa. There is a door. There is a carpet On the floor.
- Let’s read a poem once more all together. - Who wants to read the poem? - What is the Russian for `` sofa ``? - What does `` door `` mean? - Who can translate the poem? = Есть диван Есть дверь На полу лежит ковер. - Thanks. Good for you.
3. Лексическая разминка. - Now let’s repeat our words. Listen to me and repeat after me.(одновременно показ картинок с изображением предметов мебели). - Look at the blackboard. Read and translate these words by chain. (на доске слова обозначающие предметы мебели).
4. Новая тема: «Do you like your house?» - And now look at the blackboard. Let’s read the theme of our lesson. = Do you like your house? - Translate it, please. - As for me I like my house. And you? Answer the questions, please. = So do I. Yes, I do. I like my house. - Today on the lesson we repeat ``there is – there are``. Tell me when we use ``there is`` and when we use ``there are``. = ``There is`` мы используем в единственном числе, а ``there are`` во множественном числе. - Listen to me and repeat after me. «There is – there are» (отработка произношения оборотов). - Good for you.
1. - Now open your textbooks on page 107 exercise 1. Read the task, please. - Let’s read a letter. (2 учащихся читают текст) - Read the letter ones more to yourselves. - Listen to me and answer my questions. - Does Alice like her new house? = Yes, she does. - How many rooms are there in her house? = There are 6 rooms in her house. - And now look at the blackboard. You can see some photos of Alice` s house. What rooms are there in her house? = There is a living room (a dining room, a kitchen) in her house. = There are bedrooms in her house.
2. Now listen to the tape-recorder. And after that answer what there is in Alice` s room. - Put a picture and say what there is in Alice` s room. = There is a bed (a wardrobe, a desk, a chair, a carpet) in her room. = There are bookshelves (curtains) in her room. - Is there a TVset (a video...) in her room? = There is no TVset ( video...) in her room. = There is not a TVset (a video...) in her room.
3. Объяснение домашнего задания. - Open your daybooks. Write down your home task. At home you should describe your house, using «there is – there are»
Физ. минутка - Let` s have a rest. Stand up, please. Hands up Hands down Hands on hips Sit down. Let` s do it once more.
4. - Now I` ll give you some cards. You should choose ``there is`` or ``there are``. (работа учащихся по индивидуальным карточкам ).
5. And other pupils turn to each other. Ask to each other about your houses. Make up your dialogues using «there is – there are». You have only 4 minutes. - I listen to you, tell me your dialogues. - Good for you. Well done.
6. - Now open your textbooks on page 108 exercise 2. - Look at these pictures and answer the question. - What things can you find in different rooms? - Listen to example. We can see a stove in the kitchen. - Where can we see ... (a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair, a carpet, bookshelves, curtains, a TVset , a video) in the ... (living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom).
5. Итог урока. Подведение итога работы на уроке. Выставление оценок. - Stand up. The lesson is over. Good bye.